Our Attorneys

Even though you will work directly with one primary attorney at Avery & Upton, your case will benefit from the input of both lawyers, as well as an experienced staff.
Everyone in our Rockville, Maryland, office meets together regularly. Each member’s experience is pooled, bringing more knowledge, innovation, and creativity to the process of identifying the best approach for each client.
A Family-Operated Family Law Firm…
We are not a stuffy, old-school law firm that bulks up the paperwork to beef up the bill. We are a father and daughter who share a love of the law and talent for understanding and helping people. We value our reputation for honesty, efficiency, compassion, and standing up for our clients’ needs and rights.
— From Avery & Upton’s Client Handbook
Our Maryland family law attorneys are trained mediators, negotiators and best-interest attorneys/guardians ad litem. Our lawyers understand the importance of family. That is why one of our primary goals in each case is to preserve your healthy relationships. Your marriage may have to end, but your relationships with your children and with the other parent do not.
Bruce Avery is a collaborative practice divorce lawyer and family law-specific mediator. He is a past president of the Collaborative Dispute Resolution Professionals Inc. (CDRP), and is a trainer for the Collaborative Practice Training Institute as well as a member of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals and the Maryland Collaborative Practice Council. Mr. Avery spent 20 years in the military and served 15 of them as a JAG Corps lawyer.
Prudence Upton is also a trial lawyer with more than 10 years of litigation experience.
To learn more about our attorneys and their backgrounds, please click on the links below.
To schedule an appointment, please call our Rockville office at 301-762-7644, or contact us online.