Same-Sex Divorce
Montgomery County Same-Sex Divorce Lawyers
The Civil Marriage Protection Act made same-sex marriage legal in Maryland in 2013. This was a good step forward for same-sex couples, but it did not grant them the same federal benefits as heterosexual married couples. If you are facing a divorce as part of a same-sex couple, you must have a lawyer who has the knowledge and experience to protect your interests.
At Avery & Upton, we have always welcomed all types of couples and families, including gay and lesbian families. We are happy to represent people in same-sex domestic partnerships and marriages. If you need divorce representation or help with another family law matter, we have the experience to assist you. Please speak with one of our Montgomery County same-sex divorce attorneys to discuss your case.
Helping You Navigate a New Area of Law
Same-sex divorce will involve the basic issues of any divorce, including property division and alimony. There can be problems resolving these issues if the couple had a previous domestic partnership, however. Our lawyers have extensive Maryland family law knowledge and can help you work through these concerns.
Despite the recognition of same-sex marriage, child custody can still be problematic. Unless there has been a legal adoption, one spouse may not be the child’s legal parent. We will work to protect your rights and your relationship with your children in these situations.
If you were married in Maryland and move to another state such as Virginia, divorce can be a more difficult process. It is best to discuss these cases with an attorney before making decisions or taking action.
Maryland also recognizes valid same-sex marriages from other states. We can represent same-sex couples in Maryland who were married in other states and are divorcing.
Questions? Please Speak With A Rockville Same-Sex Marriage Attorney.
To schedule an appointment, please call 301-762-7644, or contact us online.