
Rockville Family Law Litigation Attorneys

Most cases are resolved before proceeding to trial, but sometimes litigation is the only way to solve a dispute. We understand that most people prefer to keep family law cases out of court, and we work hard to make that happen. However, when litigation is the answer, you need a tough trial lawyer on your side.

Prudence A. Upton is the firm’s main litigator. When litigation becomes necessary, they zealously represent their clients’ interests in the courtroom. Prudence Upton is an experienced, aggressive trial attorney. She is also masterful at case analysis and preparing to present a clearly articulated and well researched case to the bench. If you need to take a divorce or other family law case to trial, the litigation team will provide strategic representation that protects your best interests.

Strategic Representation in Family Law Trials

In most cases, we try to resolve disputes through alternative dispute resolution such as mediation, negotiation, or collaborative divorce. These methods typically produce results in less time and for less money than a trial.

However, if a compromise cannot be reached, you will have to go to trial. Be assured that we will vigorously protect your rights at every step of the process. We treat the opposition with respect, but we still fight hard for our clients.

We are often successful because of our approach to litigation. We believe that the reasonable party has a better chance of winning. “Reasonable” means having reasonable expectations of the results and reasonable requests. People who take an extreme position and refuse to consider a compromise typically do not win cases. Judges tend to take a dim view of litigants who do not demonstrate any flexibility or willingness to listen to other points of view, especially in family law.

Our Experienced Montgomery County Trial Lawyer Can Protect You in Court

To schedule an appointment, please call our Rockville office at 301-762-7644, or contact us online.

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